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[ozzloy@gmail.com/cv] / examples / mike_lundy / resume.tex
1 \documentclass[letterpaper,10pt]{resume}
2 \usepackage[pdftex]{color}
4 \def\bclr#1{\expandafter\gdef\csname#1\endcsname##1{{\color{#1}\textbf{##1}}}}
5 \definecolor{green}{rgb}{0,0.5,0}
7 \bclr{red}
8 \bclr{blue}
9 \bclr{green}
11 \name{Michael P. Lundy}
12 \address{
13 6683 Winterset Way\next
14 San Jose, California 95120\next
15 (M) 408-315-2509
16 }
17 \email{\blue{mike@fluffypenguin.org}}
19 \begin{document}
21 \section{Education}
22 \place{Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts}
23 \job{Student}{August 2002}{May 2006}
24 \begin{items}
25 \item Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
26 \item Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering
27 \end{items}
28 \endplace
29 \endsection
31 \section{Experience}
32 \place{NASA Ames Research Center}
33 \job{Contractor, Perot Systems Government Services}{August 2008}{Present}
34 \begin{items}
35 \item Fixing bugs in the Vision Workbench, an efficient image-processing library (C++)
36 \item Using Vision Workbench's cartography features to aid in the Lunar Mapping \& Modelling project
37 \item Writing a Web Map Server (WMS) implementation (Python, Django)
38 \end{items}
39 \endplace
40 \place{Sensor Concepts, Inc., Livermore, California}
41 \job{Electrical Engineer}{November 2006}{June 2008}
42 \begin{items}
43 \item Developed procedure for testing radar systems
44 \item Designed and prototyped UAV position-tracking system (C, LabVIEW)
45 \item Implemented and tuned a PID controller for the UAV prototype (C)
46 \item Increased communication among engineers by installing documentation Wiki (Python, Trac)
47 \item Implemented a new front-end module for a radar system (Actionscript 3.0, LabVIEW)
48 \item Designed and implemented:
49 \begin{items}
50 \item Library for DDR inter-FPGA communication (VHDL)
51 \item Interface libraries for a number of small devices (C, LabVIEW)
52 \item One-click installer-builder to simplify software releases (C, Python, NSIS)
53 \item Network command processor to aid in firmware development (C, Perl, AJAX)
54 \item Data-processing libraries implementing numerous filtering tasks (C, LabVIEW, OpenCV)
55 \end{items}
56 \end{items}
57 \endplace
58 \place{General Dynamics C4 Systems, Needham, Massachusetts}
59 \job{Researcher}{January 2006}{May 2006}
60 \begin{items}
61 \item Developed makefile-based build system to aid in creating FPGA configuration bitstreams
62 \item Researched techniques for FPGA radiation hardening (scrubbing, voter circuits, partial reconfiguration)
63 \item Wrote templates and libraries to aid in implementations of previous item
64 \item Wrote a \LaTeX\ class implementing Worcester Polytechnic's thesis style guide
65 \end{items}
66 \endplace
68 \section{Projects}
69 \place{Personal}
70 \begin{items}
71 \item \green{myInv}, a web service for maintaining a personal inventory (Perl, SQL, Javascript)
72 \item \green{Pygote}, an implementation of a general-purpose genetic algorithm (Python)
73 \item \green{Glasses}, a framework for experimenting with image filters using data from V4L webcams (C++)
74 \item \green{cgFractal}, a support library for pixel shaders, including a Mandelbrot implementation (C++, Cg)
75 \item \green{Resume.cls}, a custom \TeX\ class. Features include smart page-breaking and \LaTeX\ support
76 \item \green{Gradiclone}, a Gradius-like shooting game for the Game Boy Advance (C++)
77 \end{items}
78 \endplace
79 \place{School}
80 \begin{items}
81 \item \blue{Computer Networks:} Wrote a multi-user chat server that registers with a switchboard (C)
82 \item \blue{Computer Networks:} Wrote a 4-layer OSI network stack emulator (C)
83 \item \blue{Compiler Construction:} Wrote a compiler for Decaf, compiling to MIPS ASM (Java)
84 \item \blue{Computer Architecture:} Wrote a software simulator for a custom processor, the dan9600 (C)
85 \item \blue{Computer Science Thesis:} Wrote a Myst-like campus tour engine (C, Perl, XML)
86 \item \blue{Microprocessor System Design:} Built a microprocessor system from base components
87 \item \blue{Microprocessor System Design:} Wrote a Simon-like memory game for the system (8086 ASM)
88 \item \blue{Distributed Computing Systems:} Added extended attributes to Linux 2.2's Minix filesystem (C)
89 \item \blue{Distributed Computing Systems:} Wrote an FTP-like client/server pair using SunRPC (C)
90 \end{items}
91 \endplace
92 \endsection
94 \section{Skills}
95 \begin{items}
96 \item\blue{Expert Languages:} C, C++, Perl, Bash, XHTML/CSS/XPATH
97 \item\blue{Competent Languages:} Python, Javascript, Actionscript, SQL, \TeX/\LaTeX, VHDL, Various ASM
98 \item\blue{Operating Systems:} Ubuntu Linux, Gentoo Linux, Debian Linux, Windows
99 \item\blue{Tools:} ViM, GDB, Gimp, Visual Studio, Eclipse, Xilinx ISE
100 \end{items}
101 \vspace{3mm}
102 \endsection
104 \section{Activities}
105 \begin{items}
106 \item Operations Team for SuperHappyDevHouse, the Bay Area's premier monthly hackathon
107 \item Transportation lead for Yuri's Night Bay Area 2008, a celebration of space exploration
108 \item Placed in the top 30\% in the ICFP 2006 programming contest
109 \item Participant in BarCamp, the open network of unconferences
110 \item Open Source hobbyist
111 \end{items}
112 \endsection
114 \end{document}
116 % vim: set tw=300: