tweak auton middle gear command group
[3501/2017steamworks] / src / org / usfirst / frc / team3501 / robot / commandgroups /
1 package org.usfirst.frc.team3501.robot.commandgroups;
3 import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.command.CommandGroup;
5 /**
6 *
7 */
8 public class PrepareToShoot extends CommandGroup {
10 public PrepareToShoot() {
11 // Add Commands here:
12 // e.g. addSequential(new Command1());
13 // addSequential(new Command2());
14 // these will run in order.
16 // To run multiple commands at the same time,
17 // use addParallel()
18 // e.g. addParallel(new Command1());
19 // addSequential(new Command2());
20 // Command1 and Command2 will run in parallel.
22 // A command group will require all of the subsystems that each member
23 // would require.
24 // e.g. if Command1 requires chassis, and Command2 requires arm,
25 // a CommandGroup containing them would require both the chassis and the
26 // arm.
27 }
28 }