X-Git-Url: http://challenge-bot.com/repos/?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=sidebyside;f=src%2Forg%2Fusfirst%2Ffrc%2Fteam3501%2Frobot%2Fcommands%2Fshooter%2FStartUpFlyWheel.java;fp=src%2Forg%2Fusfirst%2Ffrc%2Fteam3501%2Frobot%2Fcommands%2Fshooter%2FStartUpFlyWheel.java;h=414641b9ea075d272d1951ef331d9f877d15268d;hb=381dad77be9ae65d463812e2c2ad852363084219;hp=d0e07db3e7c7872dad78d362a69c125d6a6722c1;hpb=5ba0f0183b1719b28df181abea39839085c521bb;p=3501%2F2017steamworks diff --git a/src/org/usfirst/frc/team3501/robot/commands/shooter/StartUpFlyWheel.java b/src/org/usfirst/frc/team3501/robot/commands/shooter/StartUpFlyWheel.java index d0e07db..414641b 100644 --- a/src/org/usfirst/frc/team3501/robot/commands/shooter/StartUpFlyWheel.java +++ b/src/org/usfirst/frc/team3501/robot/commands/shooter/StartUpFlyWheel.java @@ -11,39 +11,62 @@ import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.command.Command; */ public class StartUpFlyWheel extends Command { private Shooter shooter = Robot.getShooter(); + private double maxTimeOut; + private PIDController wheelController; private double wheelP; private double wheelI; private double wheelD; private double motorVal; private double target; - - public StartUpFlyWheel() { + + public StartUpFlyWheel(double speed, double maxTimeOut) { // Use requires() here to declare subsystem dependencies // eg. requires(chassis); requires(shooter); + + this.wheelP = this.shooter.wheelP; + this.wheelI = this.shooter.wheelI; + this.wheelD = this.shooter.wheelD; + this.wheelController = new PIDController(this.wheelP, this.wheelI, + this.wheelD); + this.wheelController.setDoneRange(0.5); + this.wheelController.setMaxOutput(1.0); + this.wheelController.setMinDoneCycles(3); + this.target = speed; } // Called just before this Command runs the first time protected void initialize() { - + this.wheelController.setSetPoint(this.target); } // Called repeatedly when this Command is scheduled to run protected void execute() { + double shooterSpeed = this.wheelController + .calcPID(this.shooter.getShooterSpeed()); + + this.shooter.setFlyWheelMotorVal(shooterSpeed); } // Make this return true when this Command no longer needs to run execute() protected boolean isFinished() { + boolean isDone = this.wheelController.isDone(); + if (timeSinceInitialized() >= maxTimeOut || isDone) { + System.out.println("time: " + timeSinceInitialized()); + return true; + } return false; } // Called once after isFinished returns true protected void end() { + this.shooter.stopFlyWheel(); } // Called when another command which requires one or more of the same // subsystems is scheduled to run protected void interrupted() { + end(); } }