// challenge-bot // GNU AGPLv3 (or later at your option) // project available at these locations: // https://gitorious.org/ozzloy/challenge-bot // https://github.com/waynegramlich/challenge-bot /* this holds an hc-sr04 sonar sensor to a 3/16 inch deck. http://fritzing.org/projects/hc-sr04-project it can hold the sonar sensor either facing down, or forwards. when facing down, it can detect if it passes over the edge of a table. when facing forwards, it can detect and follow something in front of it. */ $fn = 60; use include for (jj = [0:0]) { for (ii = [0:0]) { translate([ii * (sonar_holder_length + 10), jj * (26 + deck_depth * 3), 0]) { deck_holder(); } } }