// challenge-bot // GNU AGPLv3 (or later at your option) // project available at these locations: // https://gitorious.org/ozzloy/challenge-bot // https://github.com/waynegramlich/challenge-bot /* this holds an hc-sr04 sonar sensor to a 3/16 inch deck. http://fritzing.org/projects/hc-sr04-project it can hold the sonar sensor either facing down, or forwards. when facing down, it can detect if it passes over the edge of a table. when facing forwards, it can detect and follow something in front of it. */ $fn = 60; include use oshw_dy = 120.366; oshw_dx = 133.888; module sonar_holder_2d() { difference() { square([sonar_holder_length, sonar_holder_width]); } } module sonars(){ translate([between_sonar_centers / 2, 0, 0]){ cylinder(r = sonar_radius, h = sonar_height);} // for the variance with which the physical sonar cylinders are placed translate([between_sonar_centers / 2 - between_sonar_centers_variance, 0, 0]){ cylinder(r = sonar_radius, h = sonar_height); translate([0, -sonar_radius, 0]){ cube([between_sonar_centers_variance, sonar_diameter, sonar_height]);}} translate([-between_sonar_centers / 2, 0, 0]){ cylinder(r = sonar_radius, h = sonar_height);}} module sonar_holder(){ elbow_length = deck_depth - 0.5; rounded_corner_radius = buffer; difference(){ cube([sonar_holder_length, sonar_holder_width, sonar_holder_depth]); translate([sonar_holder_length / 2, sonar_holder_width / 2, -0.05]){ sonars();} translate([sonar_holder_length, sonar_holder_width, 0]){ corner_rounder(rounded_corner_radius, sonar_holder_depth, "bottom-right");}} translate([sonar_holder_length, 0, 0]){ cube([elbow_length, deck_depth, sonar_holder_depth]); translate([elbow_length, 0, 0]){ linear_extrude(height = sonar_holder_depth){ polygon([[ 0, 0], [sonar_holder_depth, 0], [sonar_holder_depth, sonar_holder_width / 2], [ 0, sonar_holder_width / 2 + sonar_holder_depth]]);} translate([0, (sonar_holder_width + sonar_holder_depth) / 2, 0]){ cube([sonar_holder_depth / 2, (sonar_holder_width - sonar_holder_depth) / 2 + 0.8, sonar_holder_depth]);} translate([-1.7, sonar_holder_width + 0.8, 0]){ linear_extrude(height = sonar_holder_depth){ polygon([[ 0, 0], [sonar_holder_depth / 2 + 1.7, 4], [sonar_holder_depth / 2 + 1.7, 0]]);}}}}} module deck_holder(){ deck_holder_width = sonar_holder_width - deck_depth; deck_holder_height = sonar_holder_depth * 2 + deck_depth; linear_extrude(height = deck_holder_width){ difference(){ square([deck_holder_length, deck_holder_height]); translate([sonar_holder_depth, sonar_holder_depth]){ square(deck_depth);} translate([deck_holder_height, sonar_holder_depth]){ square([deck_holder_length - (deck_holder_height), deck_depth]);}}} translate([deck_holder_length - oshw_dy * 0.05, 0, deck_holder_width / 2]) scale([0.1, 1, 0.1]) rotate(v = [1, 0, 0], a = 90) rotate(90) linear_extrude(height = 0.5) oshw(); translate([deck_holder_length - oshw_dy * 0.05, deck_holder_height + 0.5, deck_holder_width / 2]) rotate(v = [1, 0, 0], a = 90) rotate(90) scale([0.1, 0.1, 1]) linear_extrude(height = 0.5) oshw();} module corner_rounder_2d(radius, corner_name="top-left"){ rotate_for_corner = (corner_name == "top-left") ? 0 : ((corner_name == "top-right") ? -90 : ((corner_name == "bottom-left") ? 90 : ((corner_name == "bottom-right") ? 180 : 1 / 0))); rotate(rotate_for_corner){ difference (){ square(radius); translate([radius, radius]){ circle(radius);}}}} module corner_rounder(radius, height, corner_name="top-left"){ linear_extrude(height = height){ corner_rounder_2d(radius, corner_name);}} sonar_holder();