$fn = 20; include wire_channel_width = 14; wire_channel_height = 14; wire_diameter_measured = 1.17; // some of this fudge is due to using a hexagon instead of a circle wire_diameter_fudge = 1.4; wire_diameter = wire_diameter_measured + wire_diameter_fudge; wire_radius = wire_diameter / 2; wire_lengths = [10, //strip wire this much 35, //short breadboard wire 63, //ground to ground 120, //arduino breadboard wire 180 //motor wire ]; module wire_channel_groove_2d(width, height, wire_radius) { difference() { square([width, height]); translate([width / 2, height / 2]) { rotate(a = 90, v = [0, 0, 1]) { nut_2d(wire_diameter); } } } } module wire_channel_groove(width, height, wire_radius, length) { rotate(a = 90, v = [1, 0, 0]) { linear_extrude(height = length) { wire_channel_groove_2d(width, height, wire_radius); } } }