# zip together files starting with robus as the root. This # allows the search path inside of KiCAD to find all the # appropriate .mod and .lib files: # The project base: BASE := busduino # Root directory: ROOT_DIR := ../../.. # The library driectory from $(ROOT_DIR): LIBRARY_DIR := robus LIBRARY_MODULE_FILES := \ $(LIBRARY_DIR)/extra-nominal.mod \ $(LIBRARY_DIR)/IPC7351-Nominal.mod \ $(LIBRARY_DIR)/robus.mod \ $(LIBRARY_DIR)/ipc7351_extra.mod \ $(LIBRARY_DIR)/robus.lib # The base directory from $(ROOT_DIR): BASE_DIR := $(LIBRARY_DIR)/$(BASE)/rev_b BASE_PREFIX := $(BASE_DIR)/$(BASE) BASE_FILES := \ $(BASE_PREFIX).brd \ $(BASE_PREFIX)-cache.lib \ $(BASE_PREFIX).cmp \ $(BASE_PREFIX).net \ $(BASE_PREFIX).pdf \ $(BASE_PREFIX).pro \ $(BASE_PREFIX).sch \ $(BASE_PREFIX)$$savepcb.brd \ $(BASE_DIR)/notes.txt ARCHIVE_FILES := \ ${LIBRARY_MODULE_FILES} \ ${BASE_FILES} ZIP_FILES := \ $(BASE_PREFIX).zip ARDUINO_DIR := $(ROOT_DIR)/arduino/arduino-1.0.1 BOOTLOADER_DIR := $(ARDUINO_DIR)/hardware/MDuino/bootloaders/optiboot BOOTLOADER_FILES := \ optiboot.c \ avrdude_interactive.sh \ burn_flash.sh \ burn_fuses.sh \ Makefile all: ${ZIP_FILES} $(BASE_PREFIX).zip: cd $(ROOT_DIR) ; zip $@ ${ARCHIVE_FILES} bootloader.zip: rm -f $@ cp