/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ // This program implements table top challenge level 1 -- // The robot stays on the table without falling off. // Set *debug* to 1 to enable debugging statements: int debug = 1; // Set *stop_at_edge* to 1 to have robot stop at the edge; // otherwise, it will back away from edge: int stop_at_edge = 0; // Set *table_top_threshold* to a value that captures the // tabletop distance for *your* robot: int table_top_threshold = 600; // Set *sonar_timeout* to a value a 200-300 uSec longer // that your table top threshold: int sonar_timeout = 1600; // Set *sonar_set_point* to a value that specifies the approximate // follow distance: int sonar_follow_distance = 800; // Pin definitions: int led = 13; int left_motor_enable = 3; int left_motor_a = 4; int left_motor_b = 5; int right_motor_enable = 10; int right_motor_a = 9; int right_motor_b = 8; int right_sonar_trigger = 7; int right_sonar_echo = 6; int left_sonar_trigger = 12; int left_sonar_echo = 11; // the setup routine runs once when you press reset: void setup() { // If debugging is enabled, if (debug) { // 115200 is the fastest "standard" baud rate for debugging. // Be sure to set the baud Tools=>Serial Monitor to 115200: Serial.begin(115200); } // Set LED output pin: pinMode(led, OUTPUT); // Set H-bridge control pins: pinMode(left_motor_enable, OUTPUT); pinMode(left_motor_a, OUTPUT); pinMode(left_motor_b, OUTPUT); pinMode(right_motor_enable, OUTPUT); pinMode(right_motor_a, OUTPUT); pinMode(right_motor_b, OUTPUT); // Set control pins for both left and right sonars: pinMode(left_sonar_trigger, OUTPUT); pinMode(left_sonar_echo, INPUT); pinMode(right_sonar_trigger, OUTPUT); pinMode(right_sonar_echo, INPUT); // Set all the pin values to predefined values: digitalWrite(led, HIGH); digitalWrite(left_motor_enable, LOW); digitalWrite(left_motor_a, LOW); digitalWrite(left_motor_b, LOW); digitalWrite(right_motor_enable, LOW); digitalWrite(right_motor_a, LOW); digitalWrite(right_motor_b, LOW); digitalWrite(left_sonar_trigger, LOW); digitalWrite(right_sonar_trigger, LOW); digitalWrite(left_sonar_trigger, LOW); digitalWrite(right_sonar_trigger, LOW); } void motorsRun(int left, int right, int ms_delay) { // Set left motor direction: if (left > 0) { // Set left motor to go forward: digitalWrite(left_motor_a, HIGH); digitalWrite(left_motor_b, LOW); } else { // Set left motor to go backward: digitalWrite(left_motor_a, LOW); digitalWrite(left_motor_b, HIGH); left = -left; // Make left a positive value: } // Make sure we cap the speed at 255: if (left > 255) { left = 255; } analogWrite(left_motor_enable, left); // Start motor in right direction // Set right motor direction: if (right > 0) { // Set right motor to go forward: digitalWrite(right_motor_a, HIGH); digitalWrite(right_motor_b, LOW); } else { // Set right motor to go backward: digitalWrite(right_motor_a, LOW); digitalWrite(right_motor_b, HIGH); right = -right; // Make right a positive value: } // Make sure we cap the speed at 255: if (right > 255) { right = 255; } analogWrite(right_motor_enable, right); // Start motor in right direction delay(ms_delay); // Wait the specified amount of time } // This routine will trigger a HC-SR04 sonar that has its // trigger pin attached to *sonar_trigger* and its echo // pin attached to *sonar_echo*. If the echo response // takes longer than *timeout* microseconds, *timeout* is // returned. int ping(int sonar_trigger, int sonar_echo, int timeout) { int result = timeout; if (!digitalRead(sonar_echo)) { // *sonar_echo* is LOW, so we can safely trigger a 12uS // trigger pulse: digitalWrite(sonar_trigger, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(12); digitalWrite(sonar_trigger, LOW); // Time the resulting echo pulse. If the resulting echo pulse // is longer than *timeout*, *pulseIn* returns 0. result = pulseIn(sonar_echo, HIGH, timeout); if (result == 0) { // We timed out, so return *timeout*: result = timeout; } } // else *sonar_echo* is still high from the previous trigger; // return *timeout* when this occurs. return result; } // the loop routine runs over and over again forever: void loop() { // Get the left and right sonar values: int left_ping = ping(left_sonar_trigger, left_sonar_echo, sonar_timeout); int right_ping = ping(right_sonar_trigger, right_sonar_echo, sonar_timeout); // Set the left and right motor speed: int left_speed = left_ping - sonar_follow_distance; int right_speed = right_ping - sonar_follow_distance; // Debugging code: if (debug) { // Print some debugging information: Serial.print("lp="); Serial.print(left_ping); Serial.print(" rp="); Serial.print(right_ping); Serial.print(" ls="); Serial.print(left_speed); Serial.print(" rs="); Serial.println(right_speed); // Delay a little so that the serial port does not get // swamped with debugging information: delay(100); } // Set the motor speeds: motorsRun(left_speed, right_speed, 0); }