// challenge-bot phase-2 // GNU AGPLv3 (or later at your option) // project available at these locations: // https://gitorious.org/ozzloy/challenge-bot // https://github.com/waynegramlich/challenge-bot // using // https://github.com/josefprusa/Prusa3/blob/master/box_frame/x-carriage.scad // as an example of how to code in scad deck_dimensions = [8, 8, 3/16]; module deck(){ cube(deck_dimensions);} module wheel_mount(){ difference(){ cube([1.5, 2, 3/16]); // motor shaft and collar hole translate([0.5, 0.938, -1/16]) { cylinder(h = 5/16, r = 0.362/2, $fn = 100);} // nubbin hole translate([0.5 + 0.875 - 0.425, 0.938, -1/16]){ cylinder(h = 5/16, r = 0.145/2, $fn = 100);} // mounting screw hole translate([0.5 + 1.213 - 0.425, 0.938 - 0.687/2, -1/16]){ cylinder(h = 5/16, r = 0.114/2, $fn = 100);} translate([0.5 + 1.213 - 0.425, 0.938 + 0.687/2, -1/16]){ cylinder(h = 5/16, r = 0.114/2, $fn = 100);}}} module wheel(){ cylinder(r = 2.75/2, h = 3/16, $fn = 100);} color("blue") deck(); rotate([90, 0, 0]) translate([1.5, -2, 0]) wheel_mount(); rotate([90, 0, 0]) translate([1.5, -2, -(8+3/16)]) wheel_mount(); color("red") rotate([90, 0, 0]) translate([2, -(.938), 3/16]) wheel(); color("red") rotate([90, 0, 0]) translate([2, -(.938), -(8 + 3/8)]) wheel();