/* GNU AGPLv3 (or later at your option) see bottom for more license info */ /* measurements from misumi's 3030 aluminum extrusion data sheet https://us.misumi-ec.com/pdf/fa/2012/p2_0545.pdf */ x = 30; y = 30; diagonal = sqrt(pow(30/2, 2) + pow(30/2, 2)); opening_width = 8; inner_block = 12; outer_block = (30 - 16.5) / 2; wall = 2; $fn = 100; module 3030_arm_half(){ // inner block square(inner_block / 2); // diagonal arms connecting inner block to outer blocks rotate(45) { square([diagonal - wall, wall / 2]); } // outer block, without the wall part since wall has rounded corner translate([x / 2 - outer_block, y / 2 - outer_block]) { square(outer_block - wall); } // outer arms covering the opening translate([(opening_width + wall) / 2, y / 2 - wall]) { square([(x - opening_width - wall) / 2 - wall, wall]); } // rounded part at entrace to inside translate([(opening_width + wall) / 2, (y - wall) / 2]){ circle(d = wall); } // rounded part around outside of extrusion corner_squish = 0.1; translate([x / 2 - wall + corner_squish, y / 2 - wall + corner_squish]) { circle(wall - corner_squish); } } module 3030_profile(){ arms = 4; for(arm = [0:arms - 1]) { rotate(arm * 360 / arms) { 3030_arm_half(); mirror(){ 3030_arm_half(); } } } } module 3030_sleeve_profile(){ difference() { square(40, true); minkowski() { 3030_profile(); circle(0.2);} } } module fillet(r) { offset(-r) { offset(r) { children(); } } } module upper_arm_profile(){ square(40, true); a = [20, -20]; b = [34.1, 0]; c = [6.25, 20]; points = [a, b, c]; arm_radius = 11.35; arm_center = [61.8, 140.4]; hull() { polygon(points); translate(arm_center) { circle(arm_radius); } } } module forearm_profile() { fillet(-5) { difference() { upper_arm_profile(); translate([-20, -20]) { square(151); } } } } module shoulder_hull() { hull() { translate([-20, -20, 0]) { cube([40, 40, 35]); } difference() { upper_arm_hull(); translate([-30, 30, -10]) { cube(300); } } } } module upper_arm_hull() { linear_extrude(height = 15) { upper_arm_profile(); } } module elbow_hull() { hull(){ difference() { upper_arm_hull(); translate([-50, -300 + 120, -1]) { cube(300); } } difference() { forearm_hull(); translate([0, 0, 30]) { cube(300); } } } } module forearm_hull() { linear_extrude(height = 120.5) { forearm_profile(); } } module hand_profile() { minkowski() { polygon([[0, 0], [14, 0], [19.5, 20], [7, 20]]); circle(5); } } module hand_hull() { hull() { difference() { forearm_hull(); translate([-30, -30, -300 + 106]) { cube(300); } } translate([53, 135, 115.6]) { linear_extrude(height = 5) { hand_profile(); } } } } shoulder_hull(); upper_arm_hull(); elbow_hull(); forearm_hull(); hand_hull(); module original_forearm_profile() { %projection(true) { translate([-315, 0, -80]) { import("Spool-holder.stl"); } } } module original_upper_arm_profile() { %projection(true) { translate([-315, 0, -2]) { import("Spool-holder.stl"); } } } module original_spool_holder() { %translate([-315, 0, 0]) { import("Spool-holder.stl"); } } module original_hand_profile() { %projection(true) { translate([-368, -135, -117]) { import("Spool-holder.stl"); } } } /* This file is part of 3d-printables. 3d-printables is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 3d-printables is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with challenge-bot. If not, see . */