[3501/stronghold-2016] / notes / danny.org
1 * TODO remove commented code
2 * harel c859a8e
3 * src/org/usfirst/frc/team3501/robot/Robot.java:39
4 * use git to save code, do not use comments to save code
5 * TODO remove commented code
6 * harel 5c70678
7 * src/org/usfirst/frc/team3501/robot/commands/auton/ChooseStrategy.java
8 * use git to save code, not comments
9 * TODO remove commented code
10 * harel 35e19c5
11 * src/org/usfirst/frc/team3501/robot/Robot.java
12 * // Scheduler.getInstance().add(new TimeDrive(.6, 4));
13 * code should not be saved in a comment, that's what git is for
14 * other than that, this commit is very small, good job!!
15 * TODO praise for good job, small commit
16 * harel 902f05c
17 * small commit, easy to review, easy to determine it is correct
18 * eeb6c3d 35e19c5
19 * TODO whitespace
20 * harel f53566b
21 * src/org/usfirst/frc/team3501/robot/commands/auton/PassChivalDeFrise.java:9
22 * same with PassDrawBridge
23 * TODO rewording suggestion
24 * harel 8d270bb
25 * // Determines if the "front" of the robot has been reversed
26 could be
27 // Determines if the side of the robot is the front
28 * TODO long line
29 * harel 116863c
30 * src/org/usfirst/frc/team3501/robot/subsystems/DriveTrain.java:206
31 * double speed = (-frontLeft.get() + -rearLeft.get() + -frontRi ...
32 * TODO split commits into smaller chunks
33 * everyone all of them
34 * it's hard to review realy large commits
35 * TODO rename IN and OUT to SLURP and BARF
36 * harel e1f7a74
37 * public static final int IN = 1; -> public static final int SLURP = 1;
38 * just a suggestion
39 * TODO add note about why oi is instantiated where it is
40 * harel fab544e
41 * src/org/usfirst/frc/team3501/robot/Robot.java
42 * commit message says new OI() needs to be after subsystems it uses,
43 seems like it'd be a good idea to have a note in the code about it
44 so future coders don't trip on the same bug
45 * TODO remove whitespace at end of line
46 * harel a68e434
47 * src/org/usfirst/frc/team3501/robot/subsystems/IntakeArm.java
48 * TODO fix long lines
49 * harel, a68e434
50 * src/org/usfirst/frc/team3501/robot/subsystems/IntakeArm.java
51 * TODO rename *PORT to *BUTTON where appropriate
52 * harel 571a0e2
53 * src/org/usfirst/frc/team3501/robot/Constants.java
54 "public final static int LEFT_JOYSTICK_TRIGGER_PORT = 1;"
55 should be
56 "public final static int LEFT_JOYSTICK_TRIGGER_BUTTON = 1;"
57 * TODO shorten long line
58 * harel 571a0e2
59 * src/org/usfirst/frc/team3501/robot/Constants.java:47
60 * "public static final double INCHES_PER_PULSE" ... goes beyond 80 columns
61 * TODO remove whitespace at end of line
62 * harel 571a0e2
63 * src/org/usfirst/frc/team3501/robot/commands/intakearm/StopIntake.java:10
64 * lines 10, 13, 16, 18
65 * TODO remove whitespace at end of line
66 * harel 571a0e2
67 * src/org/usfirst/frc/team3501/robot/subsystems/DriveTrain.java
68 * lines 200, 203, 231, 263, 265, 305, 308
69 * TODO shorten long line
70 * harel 571a0e2
71 * src/org/usfirst/frc/team3501/robot/subsystems/DriveTrain.java
72 * line 201, 232, 233
73 * TODO notes directory stuff
74 * make examples of notes/name.org files
75 * make notes-explanation to explain motivation
76 * TODO document how i got bbb and arduino serial communication done
77 * TODO git stuff
78 * make notes about git remote prune
79 * make notes about sharing branch between multiple people
80 * DONE notes directory stuff
81 * make examples of notes/name.org files
82 * DONE make .gitignore
83 * DONE make formatter so code has higher ratio of meaningful conflicts