delete anything to do with pots and motors in IntakeArm and Constants, add the left...
[3501/stronghold-2016] / src / org / usfirst / frc / team3501 / robot / commands / auton /
1 package org.usfirst.frc.team3501.robot.commands.auton;
3 import org.usfirst.frc.team3501.robot.Constants;
4 import org.usfirst.frc.team3501.robot.commands.driving.DriveDistance;
5 import org.usfirst.frc.team3501.robot.commands.driving.DriveForTime;
7 import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.command.CommandGroup;
9 /***
10 * This command will drive the robot through the rock wall.
11 *
12 * dependency on subsystems: drivetrain
13 *
14 * dependency on other commands: DriveForTime
15 *
16 * pre-condition: robot is flush against the ramp of the outerworks in front of
17 * the rock wall
18 *
19 * post-condition: the robot has passed the rock wall and is in the next zone
20 *
21 * @author Meryem and Avi
22 *
23 */
25 public class PassRockWall extends CommandGroup {
27 public PassRockWall() {
28 if (Constants.Auton.IS_USING_TIME) {
29 addSequential(new DriveForTime(Constants.Auton.PASS_ROCK_WALL_TIME,
30 Constants.Auton.PASS_ROCK_WALL_SPEED));
31 }
32 else {
33 addSequential(new DriveDistance(
34 Constants.Auton.PASS_ROCK_WALL_DIST,
35 Constants.DriveTrain.PASS_DEFENSE_TIMEOUT));
36 }
38 }
39 }