code review changes
[3501/2017steamworks] / src / org / usfirst / frc / team3501 / robot / commands / shooter /
1 package org.usfirst.frc.team3501.robot.commands.shooter;
3 import org.usfirst.frc.team3501.robot.Robot;
4 import org.usfirst.frc.team3501.robot.subsystems.Shooter;
6 import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.command.Command;
8 /**
9 * This command runs index wheel at a given speed for given time in seconds.
10 *
11 * pre-condition: fly wheel is running at full speed to prepare for shooting
12 * fuel
13 *
14 * @author Shaina
15 */
16 public class RunIndexWheel extends Command {
17 private Shooter shooter = Robot.getShooter();
18 private double time;
20 /**
21 * See JavaDoc comment in class for details
22 *
23 * @param motorVal
24 * value range from -1 to 1
25 * @param time
26 * in seconds, amount of time to run index wheel motor
27 */
28 public RunIndexWheel(double time) {
29 requires(shooter);
30 this.time = time;
31 }
33 // Called just before this Command runs the first time
34 @Override
35 protected void initialize() {
36 }
38 // Called repeatedly when this Command is scheduled to run
39 @Override
40 protected void execute() {
41 double shooterSpeed = shooter.getShooterRPM();
42 double targetShooterSpeed = shooter.getTargetShootingSpeed();
43 double threshold = shooter.getRPMThreshold();
44 if (Math.abs(shooterSpeed - targetShooterSpeed) <= threshold)
45 shooter.runIndexWheel();
46 }
48 // Called once after isFinished returns true
49 @Override
50 protected void end() {
51 shooter.stopIndexWheel();
52 }
54 // Called when another command which requires one or more of the same
55 // subsystems is scheduled to run
56 @Override
57 protected void interrupted() {
58 end();
59 }
61 @Override
62 protected boolean isFinished() {
63 return timeSinceInitialized() >= time;
64 }
66 }