make caster flange top half
[challenge-bot] / caster-standoff.scad
... / ...
1// challenge-bot
2// GNU AGPLv3 (or later at your option)
3// project available at these locations:
7standoff_radius = 14.732 / 2; // 0.580 / 2 inches from spec sheet
8standoff_height = 55; // eyeballed
10nut_short_side = 4.7; // from calipers
11nut_height = 1.6; // from calipers
13// eyeballed caster flange height, (0.580/5) inches, times 2 to be stronger
14caster_flange_height = 5;
15caster_flange_width = 20.32; // 0.800 inches
16caster_flange_screw_radius = 2.286 / 2; // 0.090 inches
17caster_flange_screw_length = 8; // eyeballed
19deck_grid_width = 25.4; // measured center to center on grid on pegboard
20deck_flange_height = 2.9464;
21deck_flange_screw_radius = 3.556 / 2; // For #6 machine screws
22deck_flange_radius = deck_grid_width * 1.22;
24module deck_flange(){
25 difference(){
26 cylinder(h = deck_flange_height, r = deck_flange_radius);
27 for(ii = [-1, 1]){
28 translate([deck_grid_width * ii, 0, -.1])
29 cylinder(h = deck_flange_height * 1.1,
30 r = deck_flange_screw_radius,
31 $fn = 20);}
32 for(ii = [-1, 1]){
33 translate([0, deck_grid_width * ii, -.1])
34 cylinder(h = deck_flange_height * 1.1,
35 r = deck_flange_screw_radius,
36 $fn = 20);}}}
38module deck_flange_reinforcement(){
39 translate([-deck_flange_radius,
40 -.5 * deck_flange_height / 2,
41 deck_flange_height]){
42 difference (){
43 cube([deck_flange_radius, deck_flange_height / 2, deck_flange_radius]);
44 translate([-.1, -.05 * deck_flange_height, 0]){
45 rotate([0, -45, 0]){
46 cube([deck_flange_radius * 1.5, // 1.5 is bigger than sqrt(2)
47 deck_flange_height * 1.1, // 1.1 is bigger than 1
48 deck_flange_radius]);}}}}}
50module caster_flange_screws(){
51 translate([standoff_radius, 0, 0])
52 cylinder(h = caster_flange_screw_length,
53 r = caster_flange_screw_radius,
54 $fn = 20);
55 translate([-standoff_radius, 0, 0])
56 cylinder(h = caster_flange_screw_length,
57 r = caster_flange_screw_radius,
58 $fn = 20);}
60module caster_flange(){
61 side_radius = caster_flange_width / 2 - standoff_radius;
62 hull(){
63 cylinder(h = caster_flange_height, r = standoff_radius);
64 translate([standoff_radius, 0, 0])
65 cylinder(h = caster_flange_height, r = side_radius);
66 translate([-standoff_radius, 0, 0])
67 cylinder(h = caster_flange_height, r = side_radius);}}
69module nut(size, height){
70 width = size/1.75;
71 for (r = [-60, 0, 60]) rotate([0,0,r]) cube([width, size, height], true);}
73module nuts(){
74 translate([standoff_radius, 0, nut_height/2])
75 nut(nut_short_side, nut_height);
76 translate([-standoff_radius, 0, nut_height/2])
77 nut(nut_short_side, nut_height);}
79module _2_screw (){
80 //measured with calipers
81 screw_height = 8;
82 thread_radius = 2.17 / 2 - 0.1; // subtract 0.1 to make squeeze fit
83 head_height = 1.8;
84 head_radius = 4.1 / 2;
85 cylinder(r = thread_radius, h = screw_height, $fn = 20);
86 cylinder(r = head_radius, h = head_height, $fn = 20);}
88module caster_standoff(){
89 difference(){
90 union(){
91 cylinder(h = standoff_height, r = standoff_radius);
92 translate([0, 0, standoff_height - caster_flange_height])
93 caster_flange();}
94 translate([0, 0, standoff_height - caster_flange_screw_length * 1.1 + 0.1])
95 scale([1, 1, 1.1])
96 caster_flange_screws();
97 translate([0, 0, standoff_height - (caster_flange_height + nut_height)])
98 nuts();
99 translate([0, 0, standoff_height]){
100 // make hole to get to screw head depth
101 cylinder(r = 4.1 / 2, h = 3, center = true, $fn = 20);
102 translate([0, 0, -0.7])
103 rotate([180, 0, 0])
104 _2_screw(r = 0.5, h = 5, $fn = 20);}}
105 deck_flange();
106 for(ii = [0:3]){
107 rotate([0, 0, 45 + 90 * ii])
108 deck_flange_reinforcement();}}
110module caster_standoff_top(){
111 translate([0, 0, caster_flange_height - standoff_height]){
112 difference(){
113 caster_standoff();
114 translate([-deck_flange_radius, -deck_flange_radius, -0.1])
115 cube([deck_flange_radius * 2,
116 deck_flange_radius * 2,
117 standoff_height - caster_flange_height + 0.1]);}}}