[3501/stronghold-2016] / src / org / usfirst / frc / team3501 / robot / subsystems / DriveTrain.java
1 package org.usfirst.frc.team3501.robot.subsystems;
3 import org.usfirst.frc.team3501.robot.Constants;
4 import org.usfirst.frc.team3501.robot.MathLib;
5 import org.usfirst.frc.team3501.robot.commands.driving.JoystickDrive;
6 import org.usfirst.frc.team3501.robot.sensors.GyroLib;
7 import org.usfirst.frc.team3501.robot.sensors.Lidar;
9 import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.CANTalon;
10 import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.CounterBase.EncodingType;
11 import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.DoubleSolenoid;
12 import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.DoubleSolenoid.Value;
13 import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Encoder;
14 import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.I2C;
15 import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.RobotDrive;
16 import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.command.PIDSubsystem;
18 public class DriveTrain extends PIDSubsystem {
19 // Current Drive Mode Default Drive Mode is Manual
20 private int DRIVE_MODE = 1;
21 private static double pidOutput = 0;
23 private Encoder leftEncoder, rightEncoder;
25 public static Lidar leftLidar;
26 public static Lidar rightLidar;
28 private CANTalon frontLeft, frontRight, rearLeft, rearRight;
29 private RobotDrive robotDrive;
31 private GyroLib gyro;
32 private DoubleSolenoid leftGearPiston, rightGearPiston;
34 // Drivetrain specific constants that relate to the inches per pulse value for
35 // the encoders
37 public DriveTrain() {
38 super(Constants.DriveTrain.kp, Constants.DriveTrain.ki,
39 Constants.DriveTrain.kd);
41 frontLeft = new CANTalon(Constants.DriveTrain.FRONT_LEFT);
42 frontRight = new CANTalon(Constants.DriveTrain.FRONT_RIGHT);
43 rearLeft = new CANTalon(Constants.DriveTrain.REAR_LEFT);
44 rearRight = new CANTalon(Constants.DriveTrain.REAR_RIGHT);
46 robotDrive = new RobotDrive(frontLeft, rearLeft, frontRight, rearRight);
48 leftLidar = new Lidar(I2C.Port.kOnboard);
49 rightLidar = new Lidar(I2C.Port.kOnboard); // TODO: find port for second
50 // lidar
51 leftEncoder = new Encoder(Constants.DriveTrain.ENCODER_LEFT_A,
52 Constants.DriveTrain.ENCODER_LEFT_B, false, EncodingType.k4X);
53 rightEncoder = new Encoder(Constants.DriveTrain.ENCODER_RIGHT_A,
54 Constants.DriveTrain.ENCODER_RIGHT_B, false, EncodingType.k4X);
55 leftEncoder.setDistancePerPulse(Constants.DriveTrain.INCHES_PER_PULSE);
56 rightEncoder.setDistancePerPulse(Constants.DriveTrain.INCHES_PER_PULSE);
58 leftEncoder.setDistancePerPulse(Constants.DriveTrain.INCHES_PER_PULSE);
59 rightEncoder.setDistancePerPulse(Constants.DriveTrain.INCHES_PER_PULSE);
61 gyro = new GyroLib(I2C.Port.kOnboard, false);
63 DRIVE_MODE = Constants.DriveTrain.ENCODER_MODE;
64 setEncoderPID();
65 this.disable();
66 gyro.start();
68 leftGearPiston = new DoubleSolenoid(Constants.DriveTrain.LEFT_FORWARD,
69 Constants.DriveTrain.LEFT_REVERSE);
70 rightGearPiston = new DoubleSolenoid(Constants.DriveTrain.RIGHT_FORWARD,
71 Constants.DriveTrain.RIGHT_REVERSE);
72 Constants.DriveTrain.inverted = false;
73 }
75 @Override
76 protected void initDefaultCommand() {
77 setDefaultCommand(new JoystickDrive());
78 }
80 // Print tne PID Output
81 public void printOutput() {
82 System.out.println("PIDOutput: " + pidOutput);
83 }
85 private double getAvgEncoderDistance() {
86 return (leftEncoder.getDistance() + rightEncoder.getDistance()) / 2;
87 }
89 // Whether or not the PID Controller thinks we have reached the target
90 // setpoint
91 public boolean reachedTarget() {
92 if (this.onTarget()) {
93 this.disable();
94 return true;
95 } else {
96 return false;
97 }
98 }
100 public void stop() {
101 drive(0, 0);
102 }
104 public void resetEncoders() {
105 leftEncoder.reset();
106 rightEncoder.reset();
107 }
109 public double getLeftLidarDistance() {
110 return leftLidar.pidGet();
111 }
113 public double getsRightLidarDistance() {
114 return rightLidar.pidGet();
115 }
117 public double getRightSpeed() {
118 return rightEncoder.getRate(); // in inches per second
119 }
121 public double getLeftSpeed() {
122 return leftEncoder.getRate(); // in inches per second
123 }
125 public double getSpeed() {
126 return (getLeftSpeed() + getRightSpeed()) / 2.0; // in inches per second
127 }
129 public double getRightDistance() {
130 return rightEncoder.getDistance(); // in inches
131 }
133 public double getLeftDistance() {
134 return leftEncoder.getDistance(); // in inches
135 }
137 // Get error between the setpoint of PID Controller and the current state of
138 // the robot
139 public double getError() {
140 if (DRIVE_MODE == Constants.DriveTrain.ENCODER_MODE)
141 return Math.abs(this.getSetpoint() - getAvgEncoderDistance());
142 else
143 return Math.abs(this.getSetpoint() + getGyroAngle());
144 }
146 public double getGyroAngle() {
147 return gyro.getRotationZ().getAngle();
148 }
150 public void resetGyro() {
151 gyro.reset();
152 }
154 public void printEncoder(int i, int n) {
155 if (i % n == 0) {
156 System.out.println("Left: " + this.getLeftDistance());
157 System.out.println("Right: " + this.getRightDistance());
159 }
160 }
162 public void printGyroOutput() {
163 System.out.println("Gyro Angle" + -this.getGyroAngle());
164 }
166 /*
167 * returns the PID output that is returned by the PID Controller
168 */
169 public double getOutput() {
170 return pidOutput;
171 }
173 // Updates the PID constants based on which control mode is being used
174 public void updatePID() {
175 if (DRIVE_MODE == Constants.DriveTrain.ENCODER_MODE)
176 this.getPIDController().setPID(Constants.DriveTrain.kp,
177 Constants.DriveTrain.ki, Constants.DriveTrain.kd);
178 else
179 this.getPIDController().setPID(Constants.DriveTrain.gp,
180 Constants.DriveTrain.gd, Constants.DriveTrain.gi);
181 }
183 public CANTalon getFrontLeft() {
184 return frontLeft;
185 }
187 public CANTalon getFrontRight() {
188 return frontRight;
189 }
191 public CANTalon getRearLeft() {
192 return rearLeft;
193 }
195 public CANTalon getRearRight() {
196 return rearRight;
197 }
199 public int getMode() {
200 return DRIVE_MODE;
201 }
203 /*
204 * Method is a required method that the PID Subsystem uses to return the
205 * calculated PID value to the driver
206 *
207 * @param Gives the user the output from the PID algorithm that is calculated
208 * internally
209 *
210 * Body: Uses the output, does some filtering and drives the robot
211 */
212 @Override
213 protected void usePIDOutput(double output) {
214 double left = 0;
215 double right = 0;
216 if (DRIVE_MODE == Constants.DriveTrain.ENCODER_MODE) {
217 double drift = this.getLeftDistance() - this.getRightDistance();
218 if (Math.abs(output) > 0 && Math.abs(output) < 0.3)
219 output = Math.signum(output) * 0.3;
220 left = output;
221 right = output + drift * Constants.DriveTrain.kp / 10;
222 } else if (DRIVE_MODE == Constants.DriveTrain.GYRO_MODE) {
223 left = output;
224 right = -output;
225 }
226 drive(left, right);
227 pidOutput = output;
228 }
230 @Override
231 protected double returnPIDInput() {
232 return sensorFeedback();
233 }
235 /*
236 * Checks the drive mode
237 *
238 * @return the current state of the robot in each state
239 * Average distance from both sides of tank drive for Encoder Mode
240 * Angle from the gyro in GYRO_MODE
241 */
242 private double sensorFeedback() {
243 if (DRIVE_MODE == Constants.DriveTrain.ENCODER_MODE)
244 return getAvgEncoderDistance();
245 else if (DRIVE_MODE == Constants.DriveTrain.GYRO_MODE)
246 return -this.getGyroAngle();
247 // counterclockwise is positive on joystick but we want it to be negative
248 else
249 return 0;
250 }
252 /*
253 * @param left and right setpoints to set to the left and right side of tank
254 * inverted is for Logan, wants the robot to invert all controls left = right
255 * and right = left
256 * negative input is required for the regular rotation because RobotDrive
257 * tankdrive method drives inverted
258 */
259 public void drive(double left, double right) {
260 robotDrive.tankDrive(-left, -right);
261 // dunno why but inverted drive (- values is forward)
262 if (!Constants.DriveTrain.inverted)
263 robotDrive.tankDrive(-left,
264 -right);
265 else
266 robotDrive.tankDrive(right, left);
267 }
269 /*
270 * constrains the distance to within -100 and 100 since we aren't going to
271 * drive more than 100 inches
272 *
273 * Configure Encoder PID
274 *
275 * Sets the setpoint to the PID subsystem
276 */
277 public void driveDistance(double dist, double maxTimeOut) {
278 dist = MathLib.constrain(dist, -100, 100);
279 setEncoderPID();
280 setSetpoint(dist);
281 }
283 /*
284 * Sets the encoder mode
285 * Updates the PID constants sets the tolerance and sets output/input ranges
286 * Enables the PID controllers
287 */
288 public void setEncoderPID() {
289 DRIVE_MODE = Constants.DriveTrain.ENCODER_MODE;
290 this.updatePID();
291 this.setAbsoluteTolerance(Constants.DriveTrain.encoderTolerance);
292 this.setOutputRange(-1.0, 1.0);
293 this.setInputRange(-200.0, 200.0);
294 this.enable();
295 }
297 /*
298 * Sets the Gyro Mode
299 * Updates the PID constants, sets the tolerance and sets output/input ranges
300 * Enables the PID controllers
301 */
302 private void setGyroPID() {
303 DRIVE_MODE = Constants.DriveTrain.GYRO_MODE;
304 this.updatePID();
305 this.getPIDController().setPID(Constants.DriveTrain.gp,
306 Constants.DriveTrain.gi, Constants.DriveTrain.gd);
308 this.setAbsoluteTolerance(Constants.DriveTrain.gyroTolerance);
309 this.setOutputRange(-1.0, 1.0);
310 this.setInputRange(-360.0, 360.0);
311 this.enable();
312 }
314 /*
315 * Turning method that should be used repeatedly in a command
316 *
317 * First constrains the angle to within -360 and 360 since that is as much as
318 * we need to turn
319 *
320 * Configures Gyro PID and sets the setpoint as an angle
321 */
322 public void turnAngle(double angle) {
323 angle = MathLib.constrain(angle, -360, 360);
324 setGyroPID();
325 setSetpoint(angle);
326 }
328 public void setMotorSpeeds(double left, double right) {
329 // positive setpoint to left side makes it go backwards
330 // positive setpoint to right side makes it go forwards.
331 frontLeft.set(-left);
332 rearLeft.set(-left);
333 frontRight.set(right);
334 rearRight.set(right);
335 }
337 /*
338 * @return a value that is the current setpoint for the piston
339 * kReverse or kForward
340 */
341 public Value getLeftGearPistonValue() {
342 return leftGearPiston.get();
343 }
345 /*
346 * @return a value that is the current setpoint for the piston
347 * kReverse or kForward
348 */
349 public Value getRightGearPistonValue() {
350 return rightGearPiston.get();
351 }
353 /*
354 * Changes the ball shift gear assembly to high
355 */
356 public void setHighGear() {
357 changeGear(Constants.DriveTrain.HIGH_GEAR);
358 }
360 /*
361 * Changes the ball shift gear assembly to low
362 */
363 public void setLowGear() {
364 changeGear(Constants.DriveTrain.LOW_GEAR);
365 }
367 /*
368 * changes the gear to a DoubleSolenoid.Value
369 */
370 public void changeGear(DoubleSolenoid.Value gear) {
371 leftGearPiston.set(gear);
372 rightGearPiston.set(gear);
373 }
374 }