change arm and hand angle input variables to constants
[3501/stronghold-2016] / src / org / usfirst / frc / team3501 / robot /
1 package org.usfirst.frc.team3501.robot;
3 import org.usfirst.frc.team3501.robot.Constants.Defense;
4 import org.usfirst.frc.team3501.robot.subsystems.DefenseArm;
5 import org.usfirst.frc.team3501.robot.subsystems.DriveTrain;
6 import org.usfirst.frc.team3501.robot.subsystems.Scaler;
7 import org.usfirst.frc.team3501.robot.subsystems.Shooter;
9 import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.IterativeRobot;
10 import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.command.Scheduler;
11 import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.smartdashboard.SendableChooser;
12 import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.smartdashboard.SmartDashboard;
14 public class Robot extends IterativeRobot {
15 public static OI oi;
16 public static DriveTrain driveTrain;
17 public static Shooter shooter;
18 public static Scaler scaler;
19 public static DefenseArm defenseArm;
21 // Sendable Choosers send a drop down menu to the Smart Dashboard.
22 SendableChooser positionChooser;
23 SendableChooser positionOneDefense, positionTwoDefense, positionThreeDefense,
24 positionFourDefense, positionFiveDefense;
26 @Override
27 public void robotInit() {
28 driveTrain = new DriveTrain();
29 oi = new OI();
30 shooter = new Shooter();
31 scaler = new Scaler();
32 defenseArm = new DefenseArm();
34 // Sendable Choosers allows the driver to select the position of the robot
35 // and the positions of the defenses from a drop-down menu on the Smart
36 // Dashboard
37 // make the Sendable Choosers
38 initializeSendableChoosers();
39 addPositionChooserOptions();
40 addDefensesToAllDefenseSendableChooosers();
41 sendSendableChoosersToSmartDashboard();
43 }
45 private void initializeSendableChoosers() {
46 positionChooser = new SendableChooser();
47 positionOneDefense = new SendableChooser();
48 positionTwoDefense = new SendableChooser();
49 positionThreeDefense = new SendableChooser();
50 positionFourDefense = new SendableChooser();
51 positionFiveDefense = new SendableChooser();
52 }
54 private void addPositionChooserOptions() {
55 positionChooser.addDefault("Position 1", 1);
56 positionChooser.addObject("Position 2", 2);
57 positionChooser.addObject("Position 3", 3);
58 positionChooser.addObject("Position 4", 4);
59 positionChooser.addObject("Position 5", 5);
60 }
62 private void addDefensesToAllDefenseSendableChooosers() {
63 addDefenseOptions(positionOneDefense);
64 addDefenseOptions(positionTwoDefense);
65 addDefenseOptions(positionThreeDefense);
66 addDefenseOptions(positionFourDefense);
67 addDefenseOptions(positionFiveDefense);
68 }
70 private void addDefenseOptions(SendableChooser chooser) {
71 chooser.addDefault("Portcullis", Defense.PORTCULLIS);
72 chooser.addObject("Sally Port", Defense.SALLY_PORT);
73 chooser.addObject("Rough Terrain", Defense.ROUGH_TERRAIN);
74 chooser.addObject("Low Bar", Defense.LOW_BAR);
75 chooser.addObject("Cheval De Frise", Defense.CHEVAL_DE_FRISE);
76 chooser.addObject("Drawbridge", Defense.DRAWBRIDGE);
77 chooser.addObject("Moat", Defense.MOAT);
78 chooser.addObject("Rock Wall", Defense.ROCK_WALL);
79 }
81 private void sendSendableChoosersToSmartDashboard() {
82 SmartDashboard.putData("PositionChooser", positionChooser);
83 SmartDashboard.putData("Position One Defense Chooser", positionOneDefense);
84 SmartDashboard.putData("Position Two Defense Chooser", positionTwoDefense);
85 SmartDashboard.putData("Position Three Defense Chooser",
86 positionThreeDefense);
87 SmartDashboard.putData("Position Four Defense Chooser",
88 positionFourDefense);
89 SmartDashboard.putData("Position Five Defense Chooser",
90 positionFiveDefense);
91 }
93 @Override
94 public void autonomousInit() {
95 Scheduler.getInstance().run();
97 // get options chosen from drop down menu
98 Integer chosenPosition = (Integer) positionChooser.getSelected();
99 Integer chosenDefense = 0;
101 switch (chosenPosition) {
102 case 1:
103 chosenDefense = (Integer) positionOneDefense.getSelected();
104 case 2:
105 chosenDefense = (Integer) positionTwoDefense.getSelected();
106 case 3:
107 chosenDefense = (Integer) positionThreeDefense.getSelected();
108 case 4:
109 chosenDefense = (Integer) positionFourDefense.getSelected();
110 case 5:
111 chosenDefense = (Integer) positionFiveDefense.getSelected();
112 }
114 System.out.println("Chosen Position: " + chosenPosition);
115 System.out.println("Chosen Defense: " + chosenDefense);
116 }
118 @Override
119 public void autonomousPeriodic() {
120 Scheduler.getInstance().run();
121 }
123 @Override
124 public void teleopInit() {
125 }
127 @Override
128 public void teleopPeriodic() {
129 Scheduler.getInstance().run();
131 }
132 }