fixed merge conflict for setRollerVoltage method
[3501/stronghold-2016] / src / org / usfirst / frc / team3501 / robot / subsystems /
1 package org.usfirst.frc.team3501.robot.subsystems;
3 import org.usfirst.frc.team3501.robot.Constants;
5 import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.CANTalon;
6 import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.command.Subsystem;
8 /***
9 * The IntakeArm consists of two rollers that are controlled by one motor. The
10 * class is deployed using a command that accelerates the robot forward and
11 * gravity pushes the arm down. After the IntakeArm is pushed down by gravity,
12 * the arm remains stationary for the rest of the match.
13 *
14 * The motor controls the rollers, making them roll forwards and backwards.
15 * The Intake rollers are on the back of the robot. As the rollers run, they
16 * intake the ball.
17 *
18 * @author superuser
19 *
20 */
22 public class IntakeArm extends Subsystem {
23 private CANTalon intake;
24 private CANTalon chevalDeFriseHand;
26 public IntakeArm() {
27 intake = new CANTalon(Constants.IntakeArm.PORT);
28 chevalDeFriseHand = new CANTalon(Constants.IntakeArm.CHEVAL_DE_FRISE_HAND_PORT);
29 }
31 /*
32 * Intake only moves once at the beginning of the match. It lowers at the
33 * beginning of the match and is held there by mechanical stops until the end
34 * of the match.
35 *
36 * Must be used in a command that has a timer variable to stop it.
37 */
38 public void dropIntake() {
39 intake.set(0.3);
40 }
42 public void intake() {
43 intake.set(Constants.IntakeArm.INTAKE_SPEED);
44 }
46 public void output() {
47 intake.set(Constants.IntakeArm.OUTPUT_SPEED);
48 }
50 /***
51 * This method allows you to set the voltage of the motor. The range of
52 * voltage is from [-1, 1]. A negative voltage makes the motor run backwards.
53 *
54 * @param voltage
55 * The voltage of the motors that control the rollers. The range of
56 * these motors go from [-1,1]. A negative voltage makes the motor
57 * run
58 * backwards.
59 */
61 public void setRollerVoltage(double voltage) {
63 }
65 /***
66 * <<<<<<< e3056e0d68d3b4150b81db56c6685c399cb9c37a
67 * <<<<<<< cefeac7a7bb7df62af5c880e13eb37c14125a7cb
68 * <<<<<<< bd5dc4363add71a17f95409115dec96b83146549
69 * This method gets you the current speed of the motor that controls the
70 * motor. The range of speed is from [-1,1]. A negative speed changes the
71 * direction of the motor, making it run backwards.
72 *
73 * @return Returns the speed of the motor that controls the roller. The range
74 * of the motor goes from [-1,1]. A negative speed changes the
75 * direction of the motor, making it go backwards.
76 * =======
77 *
78 * @return
79 * >>>>>>> reset to unix format
80 * =======
81 * This method gets you the current speed of the motor that controls
82 * the
83 * motor. The range of speed is from [-1,1]. A negative speed changes
84 * the
85 * direction of the motor, making it run backwards.
86 *
87 * @return Returns the speed of the motor that controls the roller. The range
88 * of the motor goes from [-1,1]. A negative speed changes the
89 * direction of the motor, making it go backwards.
90 * >>>>>>> add 3 method stubs- setRollerSpeeds, getRollerSpeeds, and
91 * areRollersRolling
92 * =======
93 * This method gets you the current voltage of the motor that controls
94 * the
95 * motor. The range of voltage is from [-1,1]. A negative voltage
96 * makes the
97 * motor
98 * run backwards.
99 *
100 * @return Returns the voltage of the motor that controls the roller. The
101 * range
102 * of the motor goes from [-1,1]. A negative voltage indicates that
103 * the
104 * motor is running backwards.
105 * >>>>>>> add class level comment and change speed to voltage
106 */
108 public double getRollerVoltage() {
109 return 0;
110 }
112 /***
113 * <<<<<<< cefeac7a7bb7df62af5c880e13eb37c14125a7cb
114 * <<<<<<< bd5dc4363add71a17f95409115dec96b83146549
115 * This method checks to see if the motors controlling the rollers are
116 * currently working.
117 *
118 * @return Returns whether the motors are currently running, and returns the
119 * state of the condition (true or false).
120 * =======
121 *
122 * @return
123 */
125 public boolean isBallInside() {
126 return true;
127 }
129 /***
130 *
131 * @return
132 * >>>>>>> reset to unix format
133 * =======
134 * This method checks to see if the motors controlling the rollers are
135 * currently running.
136 *
137 * @return Returns whether the motors are currently running, and returns the
138 * state of the condition (true or false).
139 * >>>>>>> add 3 method stubs- setRollerSpeeds, getRollerSpeeds, and
140 * areRollersRolling
141 */
143 public boolean areRollersRolling() {
144 return true;
145 }
147 @Override
148 protected void initDefaultCommand() {
150 }
151 }